Subscription by payment provider

With Payrexx, you can easily receive recurring payments. On this page, you'll learn what it takes and how to set up subscriptions.


The requirement for Payrexx managed subscriptions is a payment provider that supports this functionality. We recommend Swiss merchants to use Payrexx Swiss Collecting for subscriptions.

Check our function matrix to find out which payment providers support recurring payments (subscription).

After setting up a subscription-enabled payment provider, you can offer subscriptions with our tools, through the Payrexx API, or with your integration.

Payrexx Tools

Here you will find step-by-step instructions on how to implement Payrexx managed subscriptions in the respective tools.


The following store systems support recurring payments (after installation).


Our Developers' documentation describes how to set up subscription payments using Gateway:

Manage subscriptions

Subscriptions can be managed under ''Payments > Subscriptions.''

In the article about this view, you can find detailed information about subscription management:

Last updated