


Payment Types

  • ✅ One Time Payment

  • ❌ Refund

  • ❌ Partial Refund

  • ❌ Recurring Payments (Subscription)

  • ❌ Preauthorization

  • ❌ Tokenization

Country availability

To find out if the desired payment provider is available in your country, please follow the link below:

pageCountry Availability


Make sure you log in to Payrexx before you start.

Configuration - PointsPay

Log in to the PointsPay backend.

Create a shop.

Configure the shop as in the following picture:

All other settings can be made arbitrarily. The "Redirect URLs" fields should stay empty.

4. Take over the shop code as the first setting parameter in Payrexx:

5. Ask PointsPay's Support for an access token if you did not receive one yet.

6. Insert the Access Token as the second setting parameter in Payrexx.

Last updated