


Payment Types

  • ✅ One Time Payment

  • ❌ Refund

  • ❌ Partial Refund

  • ✅ Recurring Payments (Subscription)

  • ❌ Preauthorization

  • ✅ Tokenization

Please note that tokenization with PayPal is only available with Express Checkout mode and an active BillingAgreement.

Country availability

To find out if the desired payment provider is available in your country, please follow the link below:


Make sure you log in to Payrexx before you start.

Configuration - PayPal

Open a PayPal business account.

This guide shows in four simple steps how to configure your PayPal e-payment account to use it with Payrexx.

Open the URL in your browser. Type your "Email Address" and "Password" above, then click "Login".

Navigate to "My Account > Profile" to get to the configuration options.

In the Account Access tab, select API Access and click "Edit".

Now select "Manage API Authorization" under "NVP/SOAP API Integration (Classic)".

There you can view the API username, API password and signature.

Configuration - Payrexx

Navigate to "Payment providers" in your Payrexx Dashboard and add PayPal as a payment provider by clicking the "Set up" button.

If you have already added the payment provider, you can alternatively click on "configure".

Because you have already opened an account, select "No, not now" in the dialogue box that appeared.

Check box 1 "Use Express Checkout" and select 2 the "Live" mode. Enter the access data in the input fields 3 below. Confirm with "Save". Please note that the order of the Payrexx input fields differs from they which PayPal displays.

The Payrexx integration is ready to use.


Once you created a free business account on PayPal and requested your access data, you can create a PayPal Sandbox Account to make test payments with one of the Payrexx tools.

Log in at the PayPal developer website. Create a business account (-facilitator@) as well as a personal account (-buyer@) by clicking "Sandbox > Accounts > Create Account":

At "Sandbox > Accouns > facilitator profile > API Credentials", you can find your username, your password and the signature:

Go to your Payrexx Backend and navigate to "Settings > Payment providers > Paypal > Edit":

Once you are in the settings of PayPal, set a checkmark at "Use Express Checkout". Insert the API Credentials (username, password and signature) there. Do not forget to choose the mode "Sandbox":

Afterwards, you can make a test payment on your Payrexx Shop with PayPal. Use your personal e-mail address (-buyer@) with your password when making the payment.

After that, you should be redirected to Payrexx and see the notification, that the payment has been processed successfully.

On the PayPal Developer Website, you can find the confirmation of the transaction at "Sandbox > Notifications".

Alternative Integration

This is the most easy way of integrating PayPal into your Payrexx account. However, it's limited in it's function. Test payments and automated redirections will be disabled.

Please note: When using this type of integration, there may be a delay in confirming a payment. This can cause your transaction to remain in the "Open" status for several days inside your Payrexx account.

For this reason, we recommend the Express Checkout integration.

But as long as you have a PayPal business account, you'll be set up in minutes.

If you don't own a PayPal Account yet, please visit Paypal to sign up for a business account.


  1. Choose "Businesses" on the website of PayPal or during the sign-up process, to create a PayPal business account (if you have already gotten a private PayPal account, you can easily upgrade it to a business account.)

  2. Enter your contact data

  3. Enter your company information

  4. Verify your account

Integration into Payrexx

  1. In your Payrexx account, navigate to payment provider -> PayPal

  2. Click on "Setup" or "Configure" if you already started the configuration

  3. Don't set the mark on "Use Express Checkout"

  4. Select the currencies you want to receive with PayPal

  5. Enter your PayPal account's email adress

  6. Don't forget to hit Save

Once you have finished these steps, you can accept PayPal payments for your business.

Last updated