


Payment Types

  • ✅ One Time Payment

  • ❌ Refund

  • ❌ Partial Refund

  • ❌ Recurring Payments (Subscription)

  • ❌ Tokenization

  • ❌ Pre-Authorization

Payment Methods

  • Visa

  • ​​ Mastercard

  • ​​ Masterpass

  • ​​ Amex

  • ​​ Dinners Club

  • ​​ Sofort

  • ​​ Klarna

  • ​​ V Pay

  • ​​ SEPA-Payment

  • ​​ eps-Transfer

  • ​​ Paysafe Card

Country availability

To find out if the desired payment provider is available in your country, please follow the link below:

Country Availability


Make sure you log in to Payrexx before you start.

Configuration - Viveum

  • Apply for an e-payment account at Viveum. Apply for an account now.

  • Please make sure that the following option is being activated at Viveum:

    • TPD ¦ Dynamische Vorlage - dynamic model/template

  • You are going to be sent an e-mail with your login credentials. Insert this data in the input fields shown below. You can find these by following the patch "Settings > Payment providers > Viveum (E-Commerce). Activate the preferred methods of payment as well as the currencies you would like to accept.

  • Afterwards, click on "Save".

  • Log in to your Viveum administration.

  • Follow the instructions of the guidance below to configure your Viveum account.

  • Activate the payment method Viveum PayEngine.

  • Test the payment procedure in the frontend.

  • Make a request at Viveum for switching to live mode. To get the activation send an e-mail containing your PSPID to Viveum.

  • After receiving the confirmation you can switch to the live mode and review the login data in the input fields below. Normally they are identical to the login details of the ones of the test account. Click on "Save".

  • The Payrexx solution is ready for operation.

More information on the payment service provider Viveum can be found here:

Configuration of Viveum's PayEngine Account


Open the subsequent URL in your browser if the switch to live mode did not happen yet: Viveum test environment. Otherwise, you can click the second link here: Viveum live mode login. Type in your PSPID and your password and click on "Submit". Afterwards, navigate to "Configuration > Technical information".

Data- and Origin Check

In the tab menu navigate to "Data- and origin check" [1]. The field "Merchant's URL" should always be empty. The safety is being ensured by the SHA-IN signature. At "SHA-IN signature" enter the value you deposited in the field "SH-IN signature" in your Payrexx backend under "Home > Settings > Payment provider > Viveum". The value for the "SHA-IN signature" can be chosen at will. Following click on "Save".

Global Transaction Parameters

Move to "Global transaction parameters" and look for "Handling single transactions". Make sure that it is set to "Always online (immediately)". Then click on "Save".

Global Safety Parameters

Navigate to "Global safety parameters" and check if under "Hash-method" the option "Every parameter", "SHA-1" and "Use the character encoding expected with the original transaction request" are selected. If this is not the case, make sure to change it.

Payment Page

In the tab menu navigate to "Payment page". Copy and paste the text shown below into the field at "Forwarding for the back forming area". Replace the placeholder "NAME" with your subdomain. Then save the changes.

Transaction Feedback - aktueller Fortschrittsstand

Navigate in the tab menu to "Transaction feedback" [1]. Exchange the place holder "NAME" with your subdomain. Make sure that both boxes [2] and [3] are ticked.

Advance to "Direct feedback to HTTP-server-to-server-request" and choose the option "Always online" [1] for "Request type" and "POST" [4] for "Request method". Then insert the following line into the two fields "Status of the payment" [2] and [3].

As a next step fill in the field "SHA-OUT-Signature" [1] under "All transactions transfer modes" with the value you deposited in your Payrexx backend under "Home > Settings > Payment providers > Viveum" [3]. The value for "SHA-OUT-signature" can be chosen at will. Afterwards, at "HTTP-request for stats changes" chose the options "For every offline status change" [2]. Then click on "Save".

E-mails to transactions

In the tab menu navigate to "E-mails to transactions" and insert your e-mails at "E-Mail-addresses for transactions themed e-mails". Engsuingly, click on "Save".

Last updated