Subscription canceled

Learn which evidence should be submitted for disputes of the "Subscription canceled" type in order to win them.

Click on the appropriate tab depending on whether the disputed transaction is a physical product, a digital product/service or an offline service.

If it is a physical product, please submit the following evidence:

  • subscription cancellation policy as displayed to the end customer

  • explanation of where, how and when your cancellation policy was displayed to the customer prior to purchase

  • proof that the subscription was not canceled or, if it was, why the disputed payment is still valid

  • notifications sent to the customer about a pending renewal or continuation of the subscription

  • confirmation of the customer's continued use of the product or service after the date on which the subscription was terminated according to the customer (if available)

  • any documents that invalidate the reason for contestation, for example screenshots or PDFs with:

    • proof that the product was consumed before the billing (if the billing is regular but the consumption of the elements to be billed takes place before the billing)

    • proof that the amount of the contested payment exceeds the value of the unused portion if the product was only partially used

    • proof that the customer is mistaken about the actual termination date (e.g. if the termination was set for a future date)

    • proof that the transaction was an installment payment (some networks only allow this reason for contestation for genuine recurring transactions, but not for installment payments)

    • proof that a refund has already been made

    • proof of a substitute service provided

    • proof of withdrawal of the dispute by the cardholder

Last updated