User Administration

Manage the users of your Payrexx instance.

Under User Administration, you can customize user roles, create new users and administrators.

Different numbers of users are possible per Payrexx plan.

Checkout: 3 users Starter: 4 users Plus: 5 users Pro: unlimited.


New users will be invited by mail link.

Account holder

The Payrexx instance is in the name of the account holder. Thus, all important mails are sent to this mail address.

To change the account holder, move the mouse pointer over the created user and click on »Change user to account holder«.


Create different roles for your employees or administrators.


This role has all rights and cannot be edited or deleted.


Default role for users without administration rights.

Add user role

When clicking »Add user role« you can create a new user role and adjust the permission for this role.


To set up 2-factor authentication in your merchant account, please follow the steps below. You have the option to set up 2-factor authentication either by email or SMS.

  • In the top left corner of your backend, click on your account name and then click on "My Account".

  • Click 2-step authentication and select one of the options.

  • Fügen Sie anschliessend entweder Ihre Handynummer oder Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ein und tippen Sie den erhaltenen Code ein. Ihr Konto ist nun durch eine 2-Faktor-Authentifizierung geschützt.

Last updated