
The Swiss online payment provider Datatrans offers payment solutions for e-commerce, mobile commerce, and POS systems. Learn here how to integrate Datatrans into Payrexx.

Datatrans is part of Planet, a global provider of payment technologies and services.



Payment types

  • ✅ One Time Payment

  • ❌ Refund

  • ❌ Partial Refund

  • ❌ Recurring Payments (Subscription)

  • ✅ Tokenization

  • ❌ Pre-Authorization

Payment methods

Country availability

To find out if Datatrans is available in your country, please click on the following link:

Country Availability


Please make sure to log in to Payrexx before you begin.

Configuration of Datatrans

Apply for Datatrans contract

  1. Request a quote from Datatrans at

  2. Select "General" for the inquiry and ask for a "Webshop account" in the comment section.

Request a test account

Complete the Request Test Account form.

Multiple test accounts will be set up. You only need the functionality of the "web" merchant. Configure the test account you receive by following these steps.


After the conclusion of the contract, Datatrans will provide you with a merchant ID and the access data for the requested account type.

  1. Log in with your Datatrans account. Note: If you don't see a UPP Administration tab, you need to select first a merchant by clicking on "Change merchant" (top right corner).

  2. Navigate to UPP Administration > Security.

  3. Activate the setting "Protect server-to-server services with password" on the "Server-to-Server service security" input mask. If no password has been created, generate a new password and confirm the changes. Copy the password. You must then enter this in the Payrexx administration under Payment provider > Datatrans in the "Merchant password" field.

  4. Please follow the link "Security signature" next to the title "Server-to-Server service security".

  5. Select the third option "Important parameters will be digitally signed (HMAC-SHA256) and sent with payment messages". If no HMAC key has been created yet, please generate a new key and confirm the changes. The HMAC key then must be added to the Datatrans settings.

  6. Navigate to UPP Management > UPP Data and enter the settings according to the screenshot below. Confirm the changes. URL Post:

Configuration of Payrexx

  1. Navigate to Payment Providers > Credit and Debit Cards in your merchant backend of Payrexx.

  2. Click on "Set up" next to Datatrans:

  1. Insert the Merchant ID, the Merchant Password and the HMAC Key into the "Connection Settings" and save the changes.

Last updated