Find out what evidence should be submitted in "Unrecognized" disputes to win them.
Click on the appropriate tab, depending on whether the disputed transaction involves a physical product, a digital product/service, or an offline service.
If it concerns a physical product, please submit the following evidence:
emails, photos, and other documents that establish a connection between the product recipient and the cardholder, or that prove the disputing cardholder is in possession of the products
proof that the person who signed for the products was authorized to sign on behalf of the cardholder or is known to the cardholder
the following documents and information, if the products were picked up at a physical location:
signature of the cardholder on the pickup form
copy of the identification provided by the cardholder
details of the identification provided by the cardholder
delivery address (must match the AVS-verified billing address or be an address associated with a business related to the legitimate cardholder)
copy of the shipping receipt or shipping label, or other proof that the product was sent to the same address provided by the cardholder at the time of order
delivery date in a clear, visual format (this date must be before the dispute date)
name of the delivery service (list multiple delivery services separated by commas)
tracking number of the delivery service (list multiple tracking numbers separated by commas)
all documents that refute the reason for the dispute, such as screenshots or PDFs with:
signed order form for products ordered via phone or email
proof that the transaction was conducted by a household or family member of the cardholder
proof of one or more undisputed payments on the same credit card
proof that payments with the same card were disputed as fraudulent before the issuer authorized these transactions
proof that the CVC value was provided at the time of purchase, but the issuer did not verify it or authorized the charge despite failed verification
proof of a valid contract between the cardholder and your business, that the cardholder uses the product, and that no previous payment was disputed (this point applies to recurring payments)
proof of an already processed refund
proof of the cardholder withdrawing the dispute
If it concerns a digital product or digital service, please submit the following evidence:
IP address of the customer at the time of order
name and email address of the customer
activity/server logs proving that the customer accessed the purchased product after payment (ideally including IP addresses, timestamps, and detailed recorded activities)
all documents that refute the reason for the dispute, such as screenshots or PDFs with:
geographic location of the device during the date/time of the transaction
ID, number, and if applicable, name of the device
proof that the transaction was conducted by a household or family member of the cardholder
proof of one or more undisputed payments on the same credit card
proof that payments with the same card were disputed as fraudulent before the issuer authorized these transactions
proof that the CVC value was provided at the time of purchase, but the issuer did not verify it or authorized the charge despite failed verification
proof of an already processed refund
proof of the cardholder withdrawing the dispute
If it concerns an offline service, please submit the following evidence:
emails, photos, or other documents proving a connection between the person using the service and the cardholder, or showing that the disputing cardholder has used or is still using the service
proof that the person who signed for the service was authorized to sign for the cardholder or was known to them, such as:
signature of the cardholder on the pickup form
copy of the ID provided by the cardholder
details of the ID provided by the cardholder
copy of a contract, work order, or other written agreement in a readable format showing that the service was provided to the cardholder, including the date the cardholder received or began using the service
for personal transportation or travel and expense transactions: Proof that the service was provided, including one of the following details:
proof of ticket receipt at the cardholder's billing address
proof of payments related to the disputed payment (e.g., for extra baggage or upgrades)
address, phone number, and other details of received/redeemed rewards from loyalty programs connecting to the cardholder
proof that other payments related to the original transaction were not disputed
all documents that refute the reason for the dispute, such as screenshots or PDFs with:
signed order form for products ordered by phone or email
proof that the transaction was conducted by a household or family member of the cardholder
proof of one or more undisputed payments on the same credit card
proof that payments with the same card were disputed as fraudulent before the issuer authorized these transactions
proof that the CVC value was provided at the time of purchase, but the issuer did not verify it or authorized the charge despite failed verification
proof that a valid contract exists between the cardholder and your company, that the cardholder is using the product, and that no previous payments were disputed (this point applies to recurring payments)