Release 2024.07

New features, enhancements and updates that Payrexx has implemented in the July 16, 2024 release.

In this release, we have implemented exciting new features and optimizations in Payrexx, which we present to you in this article.


New payment method PostFinance

Pay PostFinance has combined the PostFinance Card and PostFinance e-finance payment methods and replaced them with the new, improved PostFinance Pay payment method. PostFinance Pay will also be introduced in Payrexx Pay from July 16, 2024.

With PostFinance Pay, your customers can pay easily and securely via the PostFinance app on their smartphone instead of having to enter their PostFinance Card details or log into their e-finance account.

You can find more information about the new payment method in this article:

PostFinance Pay

Transaction receipts as PDF in the order confirmation

From now on, the transaction receipt can be sent to your customers as a PDF with the order confirmation. You can activate this function under Settings > General > Advanced options so that a PDF receipt is sent with every transaction.

Optimisation of the merchant API

  • The merchant API now also contains the balance available for payout for the payment providers Payrexx Pay and Payrexx Pay Plus.

  • The subscription endpoints of the merchant API have been extended so that VAT can be included in POST and PUT requests.

Extension of the "Purchase on invoice" payment method

The QR reference is now included in the transaction object (API and webhook) for the "Purchase on invoice" payment method in Payrexx Pay.

In addition, you can now deactivate the automatic sending of an invoice PDF. To do this, go to Payment provider > Payrexx Pay and click on "Customise settings" under "Purchase on Invoice".

When creating a new payment link, you can now also define the reply address. Answers or questions from your customers will then be sent directly to this address.

Optimisation of the QR Pay tool

  • Transaction volume in QR Pay overview: In the detailed view of each QR Pay code created, you can now see the total transaction volume generated by the respective code.

  • QR filter in transaction overview: You can now filter for QR Pay codes in the transaction overview under Payments > Transactions. This means that all transactions associated with a QR code are displayed directly.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Last updated