The following answers to the most frequently asked questions should help you better understand the topic of "payments."

Why was the transaction declined?

A transaction can be declined for various reasons. The most common are:

  1. The transaction was not authenticated with 3-D Secure.

  2. There were insufficient funds on the card.

  3. The payment was declined by the buyer’s bank.

  4. The transaction was flagged as a risk or fraud attempt.

  5. The causes are unknown.

If multiple payments from different individuals have been declined consecutively, please check the status of your payment provider, particularly whether payments are enabled.

How long can an amount be reserved?

Banks typically guarantee a debit within 7 days. The debit may also go through later, but this is not guaranteed by the bank. Payrexx has no way to extend this period.

For more information on pre-authorizations, please refer to the following article.


What is 3-D Secure?

3-D Secure is a protocol aimed at enhancing the security of credit card transactions. It serves to reduce credit card fraud and protect all parties involved in the transaction. 3-D Secure is mandatory for online credit card purchases in Europe.

How it works

After the buyer enters their credit card details and initiates the transaction, a connection is established with the card issuer. The buyer is then prompted to confirm their identity with a code (two-factor authentication via app or SMS). Upon successful authentication, the credit card payment is processed.

Why can't I use the subscription feature?

To accept subscription payments, you need to have a Payrexx subscription of either the Starter or Pro type and use a payment provider that supports subscription payments. For more information, please refer to the following article:

Does Payrexx support MOTO payments?

Yes, MOTO payments are possible with Payrexx. To set them up, you need to use Stripe as the connector. Once you have successfully added Stripe, please contact us so that we can manually set up the MOTO payments for you.

How do I charge virtual credit cards?

In the following guide, you will find all the information on charging virtual credit cards:

Charging Virtual Credit Cards

What are the fees for TWINT?

The transaction fees for TWINT are 1,3% (as of May 30, 2024). Depending on your subscription with Payrexx, additional fees may apply.


Can I accept card payments physically?

Yes, with Payrexx, you can accept credit and debit card payments physically. You can either hand the device to your customer for entering the card details, or you can send them a link to the Payrexx sales page and ask them to use their own device to complete the payment.

Another option for receiving physical payments is Payrexx QR Pay.

Why are the payment methods not displayed?

If certain payment methods are not displayed, please check the following points:

  1. Is the status of the relevant payment provider set to "visible" in the tool you're using (e.g., Donation, Pages, Paylink, etc.)?

  2. Have you selected the corresponding logos in your shop plugin?

Why isn't PayPal displayed?

Due to PayPal's regulations, this payment method cannot be displayed within an iFrame or a modal window.

How do I switch to live mode?

In the menu of your Payrexx backend, click on "Payment Providers," then on "Configure" for the desired payment provider. Change the mode from "Test" to "Live" and click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.

Why are there additional transaction costs for third-party payment providers?

For third-party payment providers like TWINT, PayPal, or PostFinance, Payrexx charges additional transaction fees depending on the subscription plan. Payrexx functions as a technical interface and provides the tools for payment processing.

The additional costs range from 0,0% (Pro Plan) to 0,6% (Checkout Plan).

Are financial transactions subject to Value Added Tax (VAT)?

Financial transactions are not subject to VAT anywhere in Europe. This means that as an online retailer, you do not have to pay VAT on transaction fees.

Bundesgesetz über die Mehrwertsteuer MWSTG (Federal Act on Value Added Tax):

On page 13, Article 21, Paragraph 19 C: The following transactions in the field of money and capital transactions are exempt from VAT: c. transactions, including mediation, in deposit and current account business, payment and transfer operations, and dealings in money claims, checks, and other trade papers; however, the collection of claims on behalf of a creditor (debt collection) is taxable.

Why have I not received a payout?

If a payout has not been made, please check the following points to determine the reason:

  • Check under payment providers if your account has been verified by Payrexx.

  • Check if you have any open disputes (open disputes always result in a payout freeze).

  • Check under Payouts > Adjust Settings to ensure that the currency and bank details provided are correct.

  • If everything appears to be in order and you still have not received any payouts, please contact us via a support ticket.

Please note that there is an 8-day delay in payouts. Payments made during the last 8 days of a month will therefore not be paid out in the following month, but in the month after that. For more information on this topic, please refer to the following article:

When will I receive my payouts?

Payrexx Pay and Payrexx Pay Plus

Payouts to you are generally triggered once a month (on the last day of the month). Due to banking delay days, the money arrives approximately three days later.

Please contact us if you desire weekly or daily payouts due to cash flow requirements or because of a subscription-based business model. If you have been receiving payments via Payrexx for more than 3 months, we can adjust the payout interval accordingly after a successful review.

Please note that all transactions must remain in your merchant account for 8 full days before they can be disbursed.

Connectors / Adapters / External Payment Providers

Payrexx has no control over the payout schedules of other payment providers. Please refer directly to the website and/or your account of the respective payment provider for information.

Last updated