
Learn on this page how to connect SelectLine, the Swiss business software for SMEs, to Payrexx, allowing your customers to pay their SelectLine invoices through Payrexx.

SelectLine is a software solution designed to optimize office administration. Among many other features, SelectLine offers the ability to create and send invoices.

Thanks to the integration with Payrexx, customers can easily and quickly pay these invoices via Payrexx.


  • ✅ Payment of SelectLine invoices via Payrexx

  • ✅ Pre-filled payment forms with data from SelectLine


In the next chapters, you will learn how to connect SelectLine to Payrexx. Please note that SelectLine is not available in English, but only in German, French, and Italian. The screenshots in the following tutorial are in German.

Configuration of Payrexx

Ensure you are logged in to Payrexx before starting. If you do not yet have a Payrexx account, you can register now.

In the main menu of your Payrexx account, navigate to Terminal and set up your terminal following these instructions.

  1. Ensure that the terminal is active.

  2. Define which fields your customers need to fill out when paying the invoice.

  3. Choose the Look & Feel profile you want to use for the terminal's design.

  4. Select "One-time" as the payment type.

  5. Define which payment providers you want to activate, thereby determining the payment methods your customers can use to pay their invoices.

  6. Click "Save" to complete the terminal configuration.

Configuration of SelectLine

Log in to your SelectLine account, go to "SelectLine Auftrag", and open the form editor.

Next, navigate to Drucken > Druckvorlagen > Druckausgabe and select the "Screen" option. Confirm your selection by clicking "OK."

By right-clicking on the document or pressing the F12 key, you can now edit the template:

Click "fx" in the next window and enter the link to your terminal:

You can find the terminal link by clicking on "Terminal" and then "Open terminal" in your Payrexx account. The link will look something like this:

You can enhance the link with variables from SelectLine to pass specific values. Some of the available variables include:

  • {.FremdwaehrungBrutto}: Amount including VAT

  • {.Waehrungscode}: Currency

  • {.Belegnummer}: Document number

  • {.VESR Referenznummer}: Reference number as shown on the payment slip

  • {.Adressnummer}: Customer number

To insert a variable into the link, use the plus sign "+", which would look like this:{FremdwaehrungBrutto}

When the link is inserted into the invoice, it will look like this:

Payment of the Invoice from the Customer's Perspective

When your customers receive their invoices, they can click on the provided link in the invoice, which will redirect them to the Payrexx terminal. Depending on the variables included in the link, certain information will be pre-filled, such as the currency or the amount:

Last updated