Amazon Pay

Learn how to set up the external payment provider Amazon Pay in Payrexx on this page to receive payments from your customers.


With Amazon Pay, customers can pay on third-party websites using the payment and shipping information from their Amazon account.


Payment types

  • ✅ One-time Payment

  • ❌ Refund

  • ❌ Partial refund

  • ❌ Recurring payments (Subscription)

  • ❌ Pre-authorization

  • ❌ Tokenization

Country Availability

To find out if Amazon Pay is available in your country, please click on the following link:

Country Availability

Please note that Amazon Pay is not applicable in the e-commerce tool Terminal.


Follow these steps to set up Amazon Pay in Payrexx.

Please make sure to log in to Payrexx before you begin.

Configuration of Amazon Pay

  1. Visit the Amazon website to open an account.

  2. In the first field, select "My cart is not on the list" and fill in the remaining fields with your details.

  3. Click "Begin registration" to complete the signup.

  1. In the next step, select the country where your business is registered and click on "Create an Amazon Payments merchant account":

  1. In the next step, provide your personal information, choose a secure password, and click on "Create account":

  1. Open the email you just received from Amazon, copy the code contained in the email into the field, and paste it into the respective field to complete the registration.

  2. As a last step, secure your account by providing your phone number for two-factor authentication.

Once your account is set up, you can integrate Amazon Pay into Payrexx.

Configuration of Payrexx

  1. Navigate to Payment providers in the merchant administration of your Payrexx account.

  2. Click on "Show" under "Alternative payment methods."

  3. Next to Amazon Pay, click on "Setup":

The following window will open, where you could create a new account with Amazon Pay. However, if you already have one, please click on "No, not now":

You will now be directed to the configuration page for Amazon Pay within Payrexx. The page is divided into four sections: Account settings, Seller Central, Configuration, and Advanced settings.

You can expand each section by clicking on the "+" symbol on the left or the small triangle on the right.

Section 1: Account settings

Please configure the "Account settings" section as follows:

  1. Account status: The current status of your Amazon account will be displayed here. Amazon has the following four statuses:

    1. The service is functioning normally.

    2. The service is functioning normally (additional information is provided).

    3. The service has a higher error rate than usual or is operating at reduced capacity.

    4. The service is unavailable or has extremely high error rates.

  2. Currencies: Activate the currencies in which you wish to receive payments from your customers. To enable or disable a currency, simply click on it.

  3. Edit fees: Clicking this button will open a new window. Please enter the fees that have been agreed upon in your contract with Amazon.

  4. Help: This link opens Amazon's Seller Central based on the setting selected in point 5.

  5. Region: Depending on the region you choose, the corresponding version of Seller Central will be opened.

    1. US: Opens the global version of Seller Central

    2. DE: Opens the European version of Seller Central

    3. UK: Opens the British version of Seller Central

    4. JP: Opens the Japanese version of Seller Central

  6. General information: Copy the Merchant ID from your Amazon account and enter it here.

  7. MWS Account Information: Copy the Access Key ID and the Secret Access Key from your Amazon account and enter them here. The Authentication Token is not needed; you can leave that field empty.

  8. LWA Credentials: Copy the Client ID and the Client Secret from your Amazon account and enter them here.

The Merchant ID, Access Key ID, and all other required values can be found in the Seller Central of your Amazon account.

Importing Data from Amazon Pay

There is also the option to import data and settings from Amazon into Payrexx. To do this, click on the corresponding button in the upper area of the window:

The import will transfer the following values into Payrexx:

  • Merchant ID

  • Access Key ID

  • Secret Access Key

  • Client ID

  • Client Secret

Section 2: Seller Central

In the "Seller Central" section, there are three URLs that you need to copy and paste into your Amazon account:

  1. IPN endpoint URL: Copy the URL and paste it into the "Merchant URL" field in the Seller Central of your Amazon account.

  2. Allowed JavaScript origins: Copy the URL and paste it into the "Allowed JavaScript origins" field in the Seller Central of your Amazon account

  3. Allowed return URLs: Copy the URL and paste it into the "Allowed return URL" field in Seller Central.

Please note that login to Seller Central is done via Amazon View.

Section 3: Configuration

In this section, you can make various settings related to language and Look & Feel:

  1. Operation mode: Choose the Sandbox mode to test Amazon Pay, the Production mode to accept real payments, or deactivate Amazon Pay in Payrexx.

  2. Buttons: Define the size and color of the Amazon button.

  3. Widget: Define the width and height of the Amazon payment window. Enter the values in pixels (px).

  4. Login language: Specify the language in which the Amazon integration should be displayed.

  5. Hide Amazon Pay: Check the box if you want to hide Amazon Pay.

Section 4: Advanced settings

In the final section, you can make the following settings:

  1. Sign-in screen: Three different modes are available for displaying the login page: The default setting ensures that the redirect to Amazon occurs automatically. Alternatively, a popup or redirect to an Amazon Pay page can be chosen.

  2. Enable logging: If this option is enabled, log files will be automatically created.

  3. Download logs: The generated log files can be downloaded as a ZIP file.

  4. Authorization mode: Choose between synchronous and deferred authorization.

    1. Synchronous: If a transaction fails due to a timeout error, it is immediately recorded as a failure.

    2. Asynchronous: If a transaction fails due to a timeout error, an attempt will be made to process it again.

Your Amazon Pay account is now successfully connected to Payrexx, and you can receive payments from your customers.

Last updated