This article shows how to integrate and use Swissbilling as an external payment provider in Payrexx.
Please log in to Payrexx before you begin.
Swissbilling enables businesses to create and manage invoices digitally.
Swissbilling website
Swissbilling login form
Payment types
✅ One time payment
❌ Refund
❌ Partial refund
❌ Recurring payments
❌ Pre-authorization
❌ Tokenization
Country availability
To find out if the desired payment provider is available in your country, please follow this link:
Country AvailabilitySetup
Configuration of Swissbilling
To obtain a test account with Swissbilling, please request a contract. Navigate to Payment Providers > Alternative payment methods > Swissbilling in the merchant backend of your Payrexx account and click on "Setup":
Click on "Yes, I want an offer" in the next window:
Within 3–4 days, you will receive your test account from Swissbilling, along with a merchant ID and a password.
Configuration of Payrexx
To set up the Swissbilling test account in Payrexx, navigate to Payment Providers > Alternative payment methods > Swissbilling in your Payrexx merchant administration and click on "Setup":
In the following window, you can configure all relevant settings for your Swissbilling test account:
Select the test mode.
This fee will be added to the amount on the invoice. The default value is CHF 2.50.
Enter the merchant ID and password provided by Swissbilling for the test account.
The setup of the Swissbilling test account in Payrexx is now complete.
Switching to the live account
Once you have finished setting up your test account, you can contact Swissbilling and request the activation of your live account by sending an email to
Last updated