Marketing website of Giropay
GiroCheckout marketing website
Payment Types
✅ One Time Payment
❌ Refund
❌ Partial Refund
❌ Recurring Payments (Subscription)
❌ Preauthorization
❌ Tokenization
Giropay is only available for merchants in 🇩🇪 Germany.
Configuration - GiroSolution
Create a new merchant account in GiroSolution's GiroCockpit.
Log in to your created account.
Add a new project in GiroCockpit
After creating your project, you get the account credentials on the project profile page. Enter them into your Payrexx site configuration
Configuration - Payrexx
Activate GiroPay as a payment provider in your Payrexx account.
Your project will start in TEST mode, so you have the opportunity to test the whole payment procedure. As you are testing the GiroSolution, they are checking your business documents.
As soon as GiroSolution has finished the check, they will activate the payment instruments for you. You will be informed by GiroSolution about that.
Please change the project status from TEST to LIVE in the Payrexx account, so your clients can use this payment provider to pay you.
Congratulation! The Payrexx solution is ready for use.
Last updated