

Notifications are sent only by mail to the desired recipients. By selecting and deselecting the checkboxes, you can decide which notifications you want to send to which location.

Example notification order confirmation

The mails contains:

  • Confirmation text

  • Payment provider

  • Payment method

  • Amount

  • Predefined parameters from the terminal/ gateway (first name, last name, e-mail, etc.)

  • Payment information

  • Your company data in the footer

  • Look & Feel settings (logo & color)

Outside the parameters, company data and look & feel, it is not possible to customize the notifications.


Decide which mail you want to receive as an account holder.


Set which mails you want your customers to receive.

Other ​​recipients

When you click the checkbox under "Other", you can specify other email addresses to send additional notifications.

Use of e-commerce system

If you use an additional mail tool, you can deactivate the notifications at Payrexx.

Last updated