Company Data

In the "Company Data" section, you can enter various information about your organization. This article will explain how and where you can do this in your Payrexx accChange the data about your company.

Company data includes legal information such as the trade register number and VAT number, various details about the type of business, and contact information.

Entering Company Data

To enter your company data, navigate to Settings > Business in the main menu of your Payrexx account:

What Are Company Data Used For?

The information entered in this section is used in various places within Payrexx:

  • It is displayed in the imprint, in the footer of emails, and in the e-commerce tools.

  • Payrexx AG sends its invoices to the address entered in the company data unless a different billing address is provided under Plan and Billing.

  • The account verification process is partly based on the company data entered here.

Last updated