On this page, you will find the most frequently asked questions regarding the platform solution and their corresponding answers.

Is it possible to send the Payrexx Pay Plus KYC emails to the platform operator as well?

Yes. To do this, navigate to Settings > Contact Details in the platform administration of your Payrexx account and enter the desired email address in the "Notification Email (KYC status change)" field. This ensures that emails will be sent to this address in the following cases:

  • Request for information

  • Account activation

  • Account rejection

For more information, please refer to the article on the Contact Details section.

Is it possible to deactivate or overwrite the "Powered by Payrexx" label?

Yes. Please contact your Payrexx representative and provide them with the desired label and the associated link.

How can I adjust the transaction fees for my merchants?

All fee structures are defined through the products. Simply edit the desired product or create a new one and assign it to the respective merchant.

Last updated

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