Stripe Connect
This is needed if you want to offer Stripe as an external payment
Make sure, that your Stripe account is fully verified by Stripe.
Set Up
Connect Application
Open the Stripe Dashboard on
Configure the Branding to match your CI/CD.
Make sure to activate OAuth flow in Test mode and to add the URI in the "Redirects" section as well.
API Keys
API keys are necessary in order for the application to communicate with Stripe on behalf of your Stripe account.
Webhooks are necessary for payments to become completed through asynchronous notifications.
Provide to Payrexx
Payrexx needs some keys to connect your platform with Stripe correctly.
Please provide the following information in order tofulfill the connection. This data can be sent to
Live mode client ID
Test mode client ID
Live API Publishable Key
Live API Secret Key
Test API Publishable Key
Test API Secret Key
Webhook Signing Secret
Last updated