Default Fronted Template
In this article, you will learn how to define the default appearance of the payment pages and emails for your connected merchants.
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In this article, you will learn how to define the default appearance of the payment pages and emails for your connected merchants.
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To customize the Look & Feel of your merchants' payment pages and emails, navigate to Settings > Default Frontend Template in your Payrexx account's platform administration.
When a new merchant registers on your platform, the settings defined under Default Frontend Template are applied automatically and serve as the default Look & Feel for the new merchant. However, merchants can still make individual adjustments if needed.
The following settings can be configured in the template:
Define whether the logo should be square, rectangular, or round.
Upload your desired logo.
Specify if the logo should have a background and select the background color if needed.
Specify if the logo should have a border and select the border color if needed.
Set the background of the payment pages by selecting color or uploading an image.
Define the header background for payment pages by selecting a color, uploading an image, or leaving it transparent.
Customize the colors for text, links, and buttons on payment pages. A separate text color can be defined for the terminal.
Select the font family and font size for texts displayed on payment pages.
If unchecked, system-generated emails will use the logo uploaded in step 2. If enabled, you can upload a different logo specifically for emails.
Set a background color for the email header section.
Define a separate background for the terminal, distinct from other payment pages. Choose an image, a solid color, or a gradient. If two different colors are set for "Gradient color 1" and "Gradient color 2," a gradient effect will be applied. To disable the gradient, use the same color for both fields.
The settings defined under Settings > Default Frontend Template affect the display as follows.
The following image illustrates how a payment page appears from the customer's perspective, using the terminal as an example:
System-generated emails appear to customers as follows, based on the selected settings: