
Webhooks can be configured in the settings of your Payrexx merchant account. Find this in the navigation under "Webhooks".

Webhooks are fired whenever the status of a transaction or subscription changes.


  • Submit an accessible URL / IP address where you receive and process the data

  • Decide whether webhooks should be retried in case of an error at the processing server

  • Choose between two content types

    • Normal (PHP-Post): application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    • JSON: application/json and is best used for all different applications

Retry on failure

When activated, the Payrexx software tries to send the webhook 10 times until a successful response is received.

These attempts will be fired at the following intervals:

  1. ASAP (max. 1 - 1.5 minutes after the first synchronous attempt)

  2. 15 minutes after the last attempt

  3. 1 hour after the last attempt

  4. 2 hours after the last attempt

  5. 4 hours after the last attempt

  6. 24 hours after the last attempt

  7. 24 hours after the last attempt

  8. 24 hours after the last attempt

  9. 24 hours after the last attempt

  10. 24 hours after the last attempt

How to use

For an integration into a webshop, you will create a Payrexx Gateway. After the transaction has been performed, you will get a notification request to your server. You can identify the transaction by paymentLinkId or referenceId in Invoice object.


The data will be either sent in JSON format or as HTTP POST form-data.

Depending on the information you want to track in your system, please go to the object specification:


Currently, we only have an example written in PHP.

Download full PHP example with a corresponding MySQL database: click here to download


 * The data of the POST request
 * @var array $transaction
$transaction = !empty($_POST['transaction']) ? $_POST['transaction'] : array();

if (!empty($transaction)) {
        $invoice = $transaction['invoice'];
      $customFields = $invoice['custom_fields'];
      $contact = $transaction['contact'];

Last updated