First of all you will need to Create a Payrexx Gateway . You will get an URL for your gateway. Display this URL in an iFrame.
Use the URL from your created Gateway or Payrexx Tool for the iFrame.
Copy <iframe id="payrexx" src="{URL}" width="530" height="700">
Now add an event listener on the window which will forward all pushed messages from Payrexx Gateway iFrame to the function handleMessage .
Copy window .addEventListener ( 'message' , handleMessage ( this ) , false );
Implement the function handleMessage which will check whether the transaction has been completed or not.
Copy function handleMessage (e) {
if ( typeof e .data === 'string' ) {
try {
let data = JSON .parse ( e .data);
} catch (e) {}
if (data && data .payrexx) {
jQuery .each ( data .payrexx , function (name , value) {
switch (name) {
case 'transaction' :
if ( typeof value === 'object' ) {
if ( value .status === 'confirmed' ) {
//handling success
} else {
//handling failure
break ;
At this point, the iFrame won't have the rights to push any message to its parent (your mobile app). That's why you need the following code snippet called each time the iFrame content has been loaded.
Copy function showFrame () {
const iFrame = document .getElementById ( 'payrexx' );
iFrame . contentWindow .postMessage (
JSON .stringify ({
origin : window . location .origin
}) ,
iFrame .src
This will tell our Payrexx Gateway which Origin the parent has (most time it will be NULL for web apps). But it is actually necessary to tell the Payrexx page this information, so it will be able to push messages to your main window.
Example: React Native
Example code how to integrate Payrexx in a React Native application.
Copy < WebView
injectedJavaScriptBeforeContentLoaded = { `
window.addEventListener("message", function(event) {
}, false);
` }
injectedJavaScript = {( Platform . OS === 'android' )
? `window.postMessage(JSON.stringify(
{origin: window.location.origin}), window.location.href);`
: ``
onMessage = { async (e) => {
let response = JSON .parse ( e . nativeEvent .data);
if ( typeof response === 'string' ) {
try { const data = JSON .parse (response); } catch (e) { }
if (data && data .payrexx && data . payrexx .transaction) {
// ...
onLoadEnd = {() => {
if ( Platform . OS === 'ios' ) {
webviewRef . current .postMessage (
JSON .stringify (
{ origin : '' }
) , 'url_gateway'
source = {{ uri : 'url_gateway' }}
ref = {webviewRef}
Last updated 6 months ago